© 2006 Mark Robert GatesThere is much misinformation about depression circulating in, pseudo-Christian, circles. Love is not a sin, and kindness is never a weakness. We need to, not leave, the physically imperfect behind. Mental illness, is always a physical condition requiring medical treatment, best left to only professionals. There are too many uninformed people practicing medicine without a license. If this information from the National Institute of Mental Health helps you to determine if you really need treatment, it will make my day. Please begin your search for treatment, if you believe you suffer from depression, by finding a psychiatrist you trust and respect, and discussing your symptoms with her/him. Also, regular talk therapy or counseling is a good adjunct to medical treatment, and better than struggling to come to terms with emotional affect on your own. Another treatment that works at times is hypnotherapy, along with talk therapy, where a person is helped to find, what we are in denial about, and unconscious turmoil that has gone on unresolved during the struggles life sometimes puts people through. These, two groups, can help a person deal with social stigma.The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)http://www.nami.orgThe Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) http://www.dbsalliance.orgThe following is accurate information from the National Institute of Mental Health, for your perusal.What is Depression?Depression is a serious medical illness; it’s not something that you have made up in your head. It’s more than just feeling "down in the dumps" or "blue" for a few days. It’s feeling "down" and "low" and "hopeless" for weeks at a time. more>>Signs & Symptoms- Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood
- Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
- Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
- Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed more>>
TreatmentA variety of treatments including medications and short-term psychotherapies have proven effective for depression. more>>Getting Help: Locate ServicesLocate mental health services in your area, affordable healthcare, NIMH clinical trials, and listings of professionals and organizations. more>>Related InformationFor more information on mental health, please go to author, Mark robert Gates', Wellnessempowered blog: