Tuesday, December 19, 2006
It can be proven, now, that, the removal of people, from their property, and leaving them in a desert to die, is a death sentence, and this method of execution needs to be outlawed, worldwide.
I have it on good authority, all people who were starved to death, using this method of execution, would have preferred to be offered a more humane method of execution. They all wanna know, "For God sake's, why did you not, just, machine gun me to death, when you seized my property?"
It can be shown, in all places where this practice occures, people happy to live off the land, had a means of acquiring food, even though to society, they were considered impoverished. In our' God's of our' Bible's, Christ's, says, "We will have the poor with us always." However, this does not refer to starving to death. We, who are follower's and believer's in the God's of the Bible's, and God's Himself, will not allow the definition of poor, in this passage to be equated, anylonger, to: "Unable to acquire food." As, Christ did not say, "We will be starving to death people, always." This, perversions of God's, and Christ's intent, is criminal in its endeavourer, always. And, all nations, and all world courts, must now write laws to specifically state, to render a person, to a state, where this person is unable to acquire food, is a sentence to crime, or a personal attack, that is now outlawed. worldwide.
A desert, courtesy of, Answers.com, and the American Heritage Dictionary, is defined as such:
A barren or desolate area, especially:
A dry, often sandy region of little rainfall, extreme temperatures, and sparse vegetation.
A region of permanent cold that is largely or entirely devoid of life.
An apparently lifeless area of water.
An empty or forsaken place; a wasteland: a cultural desert.
Archaic. A wild, uncultivated, and uninhabited region.adj.
Of, relating to, characteristic of, or inhabiting a desert: desert fauna.
Barren and uninhabited; desolate: a desert island.
This means, isolating a person, economically, and removing any ability, to acquire any economic necessities, is to sentence, illegally, this person, to a desert, to starve to death, and is always, and forevermore, a criminal action, and not allowed to be viewed as a legitimate legal action.
This is necessary to protect these people, being removed from this sentence, from being resentenced, by another, as we are trying to aide the person's damaged in such a crime.
Our, remedy, must be to require all sovereign's nations to accept this international law, and that a person rendered to the state of, Desert, must be allowed international, asylum, of their choosing. As, sovereign's nation's, enforcing, this international law, it must be required, all person's, placed in a starvation desert, are entitled to, successful relocation to a place of being able to acquire food.
What, we must do, when people are placed in a desert, is send an international team, to remove them from this illegal sentence. We, will take all person's from their place of sentence, including all people starving in a desert region of our' earth, even up to multitudes, and provide whatever, is necessary to allow them, by voluntary means, to choose, where else to live, and recover, economically to a place where they are again able, to always, acquire food, without aide. This, means those who choose to live off the land, in a straw hut, in Africa, can return there, even though, to society, this is still considered an impoverished condition. There are those who do not desire, Ipods, and would like to just live close to nature, and survive, by growing, or raising what they eat, and want nothing else, except, such a simple life, and we have no legitimate right, to remove from a person, this desire, to live as they choose, without, modern technology.
Any country, or person, sentencing, or personally attacking a person in such a way as to make, a person, or people, to be rendered to such a state, as, a desert where one is unable to acquire food, will be required to provide payment to whatever agency, or agencies, were required to aide these victims, in being, economically re-established, in a place of their voluntary choosing, to a state of a voluntary means of acquiring food. There will be no pussyfooting, any form of seizure, of any available assets and monies, will be allowed, to collect payment for committing such an atrocity. Please, do not expect, kind and gracious treatment, from world and national authorities, after making it necessary to deal with such a situation.
Monday, December 18, 2006
© 2006 Mark Robert Gates
A need exists in our 21st Century to find
a scientific method of detecting the God Spirit,
and the human spirit’s existence.
Currently, there are heartless, people with obvious
problems of brain inactivity, hovering around those
they call brain dead. These human vampires, wait for
the situation of undetectable brain activity,
in a machine sustained body
for a state of which they call brain dead to exist
to use a legal document
to flush the soul from the body
in order to dispose of the body.
There, are those of us acquainted with God’s
who know, there is more brain activity
in the brain called, brain dead,
than in the mind of the man
wanting to pull the plug
on the man, he calls, brain dead.
We must find a verifiable method of determining
the presence of a soul in a person,
And, develop a constitutional law stating:
Occupation, by the soul,
of the body,
by being in the body,
desire of, said,
spirit to occupy, said body.
As, obviously,
if the spirit did not choose to occupy
the body, it would not do so.
In order to enforce this constitutional law
We must detect the spirit’s presence, in order
To confirm, whether or not, medical instruments
Are capable of sustaining life in
a body without a spirit.
If we are to develop,
a scientific method of detecting the God Spirit,
removed from all existing theological methods,
theology schools provide students with
several methods of detecting the God Spirit,
as part of their course of instruction,
we, however, must use only cognitive science,
using only scientific observations,
and scientific instruments capable of detection,
then we must, first, form a series of questions,
from which we are to form our hypothesis,
or series of hypothecis.
Question 1: If the God Spirit exists, what is it composed of?
We know it is not atomic,
and not anything of which would necessitate atomic make-up,
such as chemical, as all this can now be detected,
by modern scientific methods.
Question 2: What is this God Spirit’s source of energy?
As, we know all living things require a source of energy, in order, to live.
A: Is the God Spirits source of energy, Internal only?
And, is this source of internal energy, self-sustaining?
And, is this internal, self-sustaining, source of energy,
Universal, and the source of all existing energy, and,
is it the same universal energy the Chinese refer to as Chi?
B: Is there an internal, self-sustaining source of energy,
in the God Spirit, and also, an external universal source of energy,
and which source of energy, is the universal energy,
the Chinese refer to as Chi?
C: Is there, an external only, universal source of energy,
and the God Spirit, itself, requires this source to sustain itself,
and, is this external only source of universal energy,
the universal energy the Chinese refer to as Chi?
Remember, there are theological texts, of which,
teach of a God Spirit, capable of experiencing death.
Now, we have series of questions, necessary to provide answers
in our quest to form a hypothesis, to detect the God Spirit,
from use of only scientific methods, observations, and instruments.
Now, we must combine the mind of Albert Einstein, with the mind of Edison,
And, go out in the laboratory, and attempt to create instruments,
Needed for detection.
Remember, in order to invent the radar speed detection gun,
one does not need to form a hypothesis,
to prove the existence of the automobile,
In order to devise a method of detecting its speed.
However, here we now must find, first, a method of detecting, whatever,
the God Spirit, if the God Spirit exists, is composed of,
by forming our hypothesis, as to what this composition is composed of.
Good luck, everyone, in your search, however, I would be informed
It is probably best if we find this method of detection,
Before, our next president takes office, as, we are having several obviouse problems
Made necessary by our presidents inability to communicate with a God Spirit.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Immancipation Proclamation, of, Mark Robert Gates
As, of Monday, December 18, 2006, 5:00AM, Eastern, all men who call me out, or, have called me out, over, any women, who are, will be, would be, or want to be my wives, I will be going out to meet. According to Pauline Law, a man and any women who marry, must look after their needs, and the things of this world, as applies to those needs. And, the things of this world require, that if a man calls, a man out, over his wife, then a man must go out to meet that man, and cannot, hide, or run away, from this duty. There will be no more, calling me out to women, behind my back, as God's has my back, and there is no no longer any invisablility back there, all Mighty's Eye's have my back, and there is no where to hide any longer to sneak up on me behind my back, either. If, a person accuses me, or calls me out, that person must meet, only, me, only, face to face, in a court of law. There will, no longer, be any passages available, to fight my wife, or any who would be, or want to be, my wife, behind my back. If you choose to call me out, you face me, not a woman behind my back, any longer, as, there is no longer a behind my back, as, God's has my back.
The possibility of dropping false complaints, and all calling out's ended, Friday, December 15, 2006, a sundown, Eastern. As, sufficeint time has been allowed, for all to retire such threats, and intimidations peacefully, and willingly. Now, such matter's, will all, be dealt with, as according to, all American laws.
I trust, no one, now believe's there is any further possibility of fooling God's and I'.
-Mark Robert Gates
Iraq: The President's Smack
It is maddening to hear the things Hillary Rodham Clinton gets accused of, like actually representing her constituency, rollin’ up her sleeves and jumping into things she believes in, without regard for her personal reputation. In fact, she does not have any regard for what anyone thinks of her personally, when persuing something she belives in, and will not let public critisizm, and complaint stop pursuit of high and lofty ideals.
Obama, is already overwith, he firmly shot himself in the foot, after firmly sticking it in his mouth. He said when asked if he was experienced enough to be president, “Is anyone ever really ready to be president?” How naive can a man be, to run for president on such a high and lofty ideal as that?
After, 6 years, of making it up as we go, while George W. Bush, has to rediscover what Alexander Pope wrote in 1734, http://lokieponaphoenix.blogspot.com/2006/11/epistle-iii-of-nature-and-state-of-man.html, we do not need another mere mindless, and meaningless speculator.
Trust me a two day or two week legal process is not what American's want. Yes, it can seem impossibly encumbered with technicalities, however, our legal process is designed to protect the rights of those innocent American's, either unjustly or falsely accused from being incarcerated on false charges. Therefore, we will never have in America, a legal system in which just accusing a person is enough to make a person guilty.
Unless, you would like to go to jail for George W. Bush's imagination, we will all have to continue to fight to preserve our American right to a fair trial, in order to maintain all of our American liberties and rights. There is no other way, look at the outgoing congress, and the number of sharks looking for a way to make all of their false charges stick without any public or private scrutiny to determine whether the charges are legitimate.
If there is a thing in a person one cannot admit the truth about, such as the desire to commit a crime, or the position of being in the process of committing a crime, where in admitting the truth would require confession. Then this person is incapable of accepting the truth about anything, as accepting the truth about any one thing would require accepting the truth about this person's criminal intentions, or their crime in process.
There is no point in debating a person such as this, no truth whatsoever, will ever be acceptable.
You have to realize the reason these "Insurgents" are kidnapping all of these people, is, that when the Democrats give the war to a qualified military, to handle, this milktoast approach, of George W. Bush's is goin' to end in Iraq. They are kidnapping all of these people to use as human sheilds, when the real war begins.
This administration is using the same failed policies, as in Iran in the 80's, with the same result.
The result of trying to foist a western ideology on an eastern culture, is always, a religious backlash. Unless, this administration changes its policies, we will see the same result as in Iran in the 80's, an Ayatohla.
Also, we are fighting this war today, because, Americans, and other misguided countries, would not let Israel proscute, Yasar Arafat, when he was captured. Instead, these people tried to broker a peace, by asking Israel to give land and amnesty to terrorists. When Messir Arafat finally realized, he was not going to be given, what he killed people for, after all, like his Nobel Prize, he returned to being a terrorist.
Did Yasar Arafat have rockets?
These wars are always racist, they are not about religion, and they are not about ideology, they are about extermination of races. We too, are in this war as racists, as our military also carries orders, to kill everyone of the same race. We lost the ideological war in Iraq when we opened, Quantanamo, we, whites, as a race, are not any better than Arabs, Muslims and Hebrews, we maim, rape, kill, murder, prostitute and torture, just the same.
As far as a loving God, is concerned, when asked if they wanted a place in Iraqi government, "Insurgents" said, "No." And, to their charges said, "Go on killing." These, "Insurgents" are only interested in killing, and the people living in Iraq, and Afganistan, are screaming to God's for help, and God's has said, "So be it: I will now carry out my wrath."
Theft, is not the returning of stolen land.
This, Iraq involvement, was not a pre-emptive war, it is official, now in Washington, this involvement by Bush' and company was a: presumptive war, based purely on speculations'.
It will now be known, as, the human sacrifice necessary, to get American's a real picture of what life is like in the Middle East, so we can now be friends with those cultures, against the orders of Bush' and company, and like's of Dr. Dobson's.
Somebody, needs to tell Mel Gibson, what I always did when I encountered, first, this apocalypse story, in a church, “You are imagining things!”
Once more, its the troops I support, not human sacrifice. I do not want those people dying for me, in that way, as, the only way those deaths could ever have had any worth, is if you people, had actually eaten their flesh, and sucked the fat from between their ribs. It will be better for cannibalism, in those days, when God’s wrath appears.
A Little Less Fuck, and A Lot More Inaction
I have discovered what is either, the biggest marketing fiasco, in world history, or a case of every executive, and producer, at Toby Keith's label, wanting to pull down his pants, and have sex with a Toby Keith fan in her bedroom, in consulation for screwing her royally, in the first place.
This is the line-up of the labels first Toby Keith Greatest Hit's:
"Getcha Some"
Toby Keith
"If A Man Answers"
Toby Keith
"Should've Been A Cowboy"
Toby Keith
"Dream Walkin'"
Toby Keith
"A Little Less Talk And A Lot More Action"
Toby Keith
"Does That Blue Moon Ever Shine On You"
Toby Keith
"I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying"
Toby Keith
"We Were In Love"
Toby Keith
"You Ain't Much Fun"
Toby Keith
"Who's That Man"
Toby Keith
"Wish I Didn't Know Now"
Toby Keith
"Big Ol' Truck"
Toby Keith
"Me Too"
Toby Keith
"He Ain't Worth Missing"
Toby Keith
Here is the line up of Toby Keith's Greatest Hit's 2, as released by the label:
"How Do You Like Me Now?!"
Toby Keith
"Country Comes To Town"
Toby Keith
"You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This"
Toby Keith
"I'm Just Talkin' About Tonight"
Toby Keith
"I Wanna Talk About Me"
Toby Keith
"My List"
Toby Keith
"Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American)"
Toby Keith
"Who's Your Daddy?"
Toby Keith
"Beer For My Horses"
Toby Keith
"Stays In Mexico (Greatest Hits 2 Version)"
Toby Keith
"Mockingbird (Greatest Hits 2 Version)"
Toby Keith
"Go With Her (Greatest Hits 2 Version)"
Toby Keith
"You Ain't Much Fun (Live)"
Toby Keith
"Should've Been A Cowboy (Live)"
Toby Keith
If I want to get Pam, her favorite Toby Keith song, I got to buy one Greatest Hit's album, with it being the only song on the album she will know. A little less, Talk, and a Little more Action.
And, then I have to buy her, Toby Keith's Greatest Hit's 2, to get her all the rest of the Toby Keith songs she likes, and her second favorite, How Do You Like Me Now?!
I listen to all my music on my xomputer, through a juke box, since, discovering, even CDs sound better when ripped and played through 5.1 Surround Sound Blaster. So, I can arrange a playlist anyway I like, so it doesn't matter to me, however, this would have killed Pam, were she still alive in the flesh, today, since, I cannot buy her all of her favorite Toby Keith songs, on one CD's, and she only has the CD, player, of which, I still have, to play songs on.
If this perverse label's executives were to release a: Toby Keith's Real Legitmate Greatest Hit's, with this line up:
"How Do You Like Me Now?!"
Toby Keith
"Country Comes To Town"
Toby Keith
"You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This"
Toby Keith
"I'm Just Talkin' About Tonight"
Toby Keith
"I Wanna Talk About Me"
Toby Keith
"A Little Less Talk And A Lot More Action"
"My List"
Toby Keith
"Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American)"
Toby Keith
"Who's Your Daddy?"
Toby Keith
"Beer For My Horses"
Toby Keith
"Stays In Mexico (Greatest Hits 2 Version)"
Toby Keith
"Mockingbird (Greatest Hits 2 Version)"
Toby Keith
"Go With Her (Greatest Hits 2 Version)"
Toby Keith
"You Ain't Much Fun (Live)"
Toby Keith
"Should've Been A Cowboy (Live)"
Toby Keith
And, if I could buy this, Toby Keith's, Real Legitmate, Greatest Hit's, CD, for Pam, for Christmas this year, she would still be dancing to it, next Christmas, when unwrapping her next Christmas present.
If there is any agrument between Toby Keith, and his perverse label, over whether or not they know his fans, then argument is settled, "Please', Fuck off!" And, give Toby Keith, full artistic control, or do as Pam wants, move to another planet, in another Galaxy. And, if you exec's and producer's wish to go to heaven, to meet her, do as she also requests, cut your pecker off before you die, or deal with her.
I will be fully enraged for an entire year, since, this year I cannot buy Pam, what would be her eternally favorite album, and I will be for each year until I can. Do not let the sun go down on your anger, or deal with Pam.
Where, does it say the person of the year, must survive the entire year, in the flesh. If the person of the year, this year, really is still alive in the flesh, for you, then I do not want to hear about, person’s of the year, ever again.
All of this years person’s of the year, died, in Iraq, Afganistan, Israel, Lebanon, and Palestine.
The bone-to-soil ratio, necessary, for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, has already exceeded quotas, and allowable limits, and is causing massive, instabiblity, therefore, only bones of those people being raptured, are now, to be, accepted for deposit in the earth. No more bones, not-to-be raptured, are to be deposited in the earth, unless rapture will happen, to a person's bones, we no longer want those bones deposited in the earth. If known, a rapture will not occure, please do not deposit any more, such, bones in the earth, and, make prior arrangements, to death, to have those bones deposited elsewhwere. Do not use a plastic bag and do not leave them here, inform population: to take them with you. Pouring blood out on the earth, will still be allowed, as the earth’s, hot magma core, will absorb any applied amounts of blood poured out upon it, however, all bones, not being raptured, must, now and forevermore, be deposited, elsewhere. Thank you.