++++++Benevolently Beloved'++++++ ++++++Democratic Party Idealog'++++++ ++++++Wellness Empowered++++++

Monday, November 28, 2005


( 2001 Mark Robert Gates

The 1st law of Internet protocol:
     If you have to accomplish something in a certain timeframe using a computer will make it impossible.

The 2nd law of Internet protocol:
      A computer taking time to make decisions gives you time to think twice about what you are doing.

The 3rd law of Internet protocol:
     There is no such thing as a five-minute task.

The 4th law of Internet protocol:
     HO train sets are more entertaining and fun.
The 5th law of Internet protocol:
     In order to develop discipline I must do something disciplined

The 6th law of Internet protocol:
     Search engines only beget more searches.     

The 7th law of Internet protocol:
     Just because Hal from, 2001 A Space Odyssey, didn’t exist in 2001, it doesn’t mean we learned anything.

1 comment:

Willow said...

Oh that is classic! I mostly agree with the first one. I have tested out that theory many times myself.