++++++Benevolently Beloved'++++++ ++++++Democratic Party Idealog'++++++ ++++++Wellness Empowered++++++

Thursday, May 17, 2007


© 2007 Mark Robert Gates

The most immortal act of idiocy, ever in this universe, will be hiring the dark haired girl in, Sex and the City, to play a girl who cannot find a man. If that show can be seen, a million years from now, viewers will still scratch their heads and wonder why anyone would cast such a beauty, as the dark haired one in that quartet, as unwanted by men. I mean Carrie's role is always the same, "Carrie is crying." That must be all the script says. Samantha's role is always, "Chases after a man, well past the point of reason, then ends up in a relationship she does not want, and then stays in the relationship and just pulls her hair out. The redhead's relationship's are so, "Futile," they're the only ones that actually ever come out being funny. However, the little dark hair girl, who like Elaine on Seinfeld, lacks the ability to successfuly repell a Jew, is suppossed to be, believed to be, rejected, by those of the Jewish faith, all of them. What? Madonna, they reject, not this babe.

So, since the most immortal act of idiocy award is already given, to the makers and producers of, Sex and the City, then the award for Attorney General Gonzales: Most Immortal Idiot. For Jews, this replaces Elijah, for pretending he can sit on a mountaintop for six months and pray down rain, showing he can call down fire out of heaven, slaying all the prophets of Baal by sword, and then taking off running after a little thing like Jezebel, puts out word she wants him dead. I mean, if you can call down fire out of heaven, wouldn't you just stretch out your hand in Jezebel's direction and go...."Poof." After all, Jezebel was a foriegner, who, under then Hebrew law, not only shouldn't have been married to Ahab, she should never have been allowed to even consider herself queen of Israel. So, when she decides to kill the prophet of the Lord, well you have all you need, which is why God's told Elijah, to feed the dogs, and report for a flaming chariot ride.

Now, however, Satan may claim this, Most Immortal Idiot, allowed him to place an Attorney General in office who did nothing at all, all the years he was in office. This is even better than Elijah's, pretending, to do something worthwhile, as a prophet of the Lord in Israel.

If I could, I would close this vignette with, Barbara Streisand, singing....."Memories".....

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